Message from the Mayor – Thank You For Your Service!

thank you

Spring 2024 Updates

By Carol Pritchett, Mayor

March is the time of year when the Town of Lake Lure welcomes new Advisory Board Members.  As we make this transition, we would like to take this opportunity to thank those who are retiring from their service on the boards. These individuals have served faithfully and tirelessly for many years!  


  • Wyn Hardy – Original Appointment: 1/9/2018 - 2024


  • Jim Walters – Original Appointment: 12/10/2013 (Chairperson 2015 – 2024)
  • Ed Dittmer – Original Appointment: 12/13/2005 (Chairperson 2006 – 2015, Vice-Chair 2016 – 2024) 
  • Maureen (Moe) Bay – Original Appointment: 11/13/2018 - 2024
  • Bill Massey – Original Appointment: 12/13/2016 - 2024


  • Jim Walters – Original Appointment: 2/8/2022 – 2024 (Chairperson 2022 – 2024)

It is with deep gratitude that we recognize these individuals who have given their time and talents to our community.  We cannot thank these individuals enough for their leadership, their vision, and their expertise and we wish each of them all the best! 

Thank You For Your Service!


Board Members Rotating Off in 2024

Board Responsibilities


For those who may be new to our community, I will highlight the role of each board and then recognize the members remaining on the boards, along with the newly appointed members. The Lake Lure Town Council has chartered several statutory and advisory boards in accordance with North Carolina General Statutes.  Statutory Boards required by law include the ABC Board, the Zoning and Planning Board, and the Board of Adjustment/Lake Structure Appeals Boards.

  • The ABC Board members serve on staggered, three-year terms. The local ABC Board has been charged with the following authority:
    • Buy, sell, transport, and possess alcoholic beverages for the operation of its ABC store
    • Hire, terminate and supervise employees
    • Adopt rules for the store, subject to approval by the NC ABC Commission
    • Buy and lease real and personal property
    • Invest surplus funds
  • The Zoning & Planning Board consists of five members appointed for three-year terms with terms staggered among the members.
    • This board is responsible for receiving, reviewing, and recommending to town council revisions to the town's zoning ordinance, zoning map, and subdivision ordinance as well as reviewing and approving all applications for major subdivisions.
    • The board may also conduct studies and prepare plans for the Town Council's consideration regarding orderly planning and development within the town.
    • As members of the Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee, the Zoning and Planning Board played an integral role in drafting the 2007-2027 Town of Lake Lure Comprehensive Plan. 
  • The Board of Adjustment/Lake Structure Appeals Boards consists of five regular and three alternate members appointed for staggered, three-year terms.
    • The Board hears and decides upon appeals from any decision, orders or determination made by the zoning administrator (the Community Development Department) in interpreting and enforcing zoning regulations.
    • The Board of Adjustment also approves conditional use permits and grants variances, in specific cases, from the provisions of the zoning regulations.
    • The Lake Structure Appeals Board is authorized to grant variances, in specific cases, from the dimensional and structural guidelines for lake structures (i.e. pier, dock, boathouse, sea wall) as set forth in the town code. 

All other boards are considered “Advisory Boards” which are chartered by the Town Council to address Lake Lure specific issues and serve at the discretion of Town Council.  Currently, these boards include the Lake Advisory Board, the Parks and Recreation Board, and the Lake Lure Steering Committee.

  • The Lake Advisory Board consists of seven members each appointed for staggered, three-year terms. They are responsible for making recommendations to the Town Council and Marine Commission in the areas of:
    • Ways to improve fishing
    • Boat use regulations
    • No wake zones
    • Enforcement of regulations to create a safer environment for lake users
    • Silt removal, dredging, and other means to improve the lake ecosystem
    • Assimilating community networks to handle warnings and clean up after major storms.
  • The Parks & Recreation Board is made up of seven regular members and one alternate member, serving three-year staggered terms.  The duties of the board fall under four major areas: parks, beautification of public property, recreation, and the arts. Responsibilities in these areas are to:
    • Parks
    • Beautification of Public Property
    • Recreation
    • Arts
  • The Lake Lure Steering Committee includes the Mayor, Town Staff, the chair for the Parks and Recreation Board, various community members and stakeholders, and is accompanied by the Rutherford County Tourism Development Authority Executive Director.  The main objective of the committee is to strategically plan and make recommendations to Town Council concerning town purchases using appropriations provided to the town by the Rutherford County Tourism Development Authority.

As we move forward in 2024, I would like to acknowledge those who are continuing to serve as we announce the new members for each board.

2024 Board Members



  • Members remaining on the Board: Richard Sayles, Bob Cassano, Esther Lusk, and Trace Boswell.
  • Re-appointment: Peter O’Leary 


  • Members remaining on the Board: Greg Gardner, Kimberly Sayles, Mark Windfeldt
  • Re-appointed Members: Neil Gurney, Al Joyner, Melvin Owensby
  • New Member: David Lusk (Alternate)


  • Members remaining on the Board: Kathleen Hatfield, Jim Lemmons, Gary Hasenfus, Mark Helms
  • Re-appointed Members: David Lusk, Sonya Ledford, and Richard Sayles


  • Members remaining on the Board: Daniel Bragdon, Ozzy McFarland
  • Re-appointed Members: Larry Czajkoski, Robin Worcester
  • New Members: Debbie Warren, Jennifer Dittmer-Vivolo, Matt Manzi, and Dan Gorman (Alternate)


  • Members remaining on the Board: Randy Nelson, Charlie Ellis, David Keenan, Ken Williams
  • Re-appointed Members: Mac Hillabush


Members remaining on the Board: Stephen Ford, Vice Chair (Finance Director), Carol Pritchett (Mayor), Hank Perkins (Town Manager), Dean Givens (Parks, Recreation, and Lake Director), Dana Bradley (Parks, Recreation, and Trails Coordinator), Laura Krejci (Communications Director), Don Cason (Rutherford Tourism Development Authority Executive Director),  John Anderson (Hickory Nut Gorge Chamber President), Randy Nelson (Community Representative), Jean Kaufman (Community Representative), and the incoming Parks and Recreation Board Chair.

We sincerely thank each and every person who has volunteered to serve on these Town Boards. 

These individuals have represented the citizens of Lake Lure well.

We look forward to working with the new Board members in the upcoming years. 

The ongoing support from the community is greatly appreciated as we continue to work together to preserve Lake Lure for future generations.