Town of Lake Lure 2007-2027 Comprehensive Plan

The Town of Lake Lure's Comprehensive Plan was developed through a process initiated by the Town of Lake Lure and managed by the consultant team of LandDesign, Inc.  It represents the efforts of the Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee, who guided the planning process, many of whom continue their commitment to its recommendations.

Many other groups and individuals contributed to the development of the Comprehensive Plan. Stakeholders interviewed during the process represented members from the Zoning and Planning Board, Town Council, Lake Advisory Committee, Board of Adjustments, town staff, mayor, and the community at large.  Planners, open space professionals, key business and community leaders, and concerned citizens also participated in a series of meetings and workshops.

In 2015, the Comprehensive Plan underwent a thorough update to evaluate and narrow in on those recommendations that remain incomplete or not yet started.  In 2024, the Comprehensive Plan will be reviewed and updated with Town Council oversight, advisory board and staff input, and public review and feedback in the form of a Public Hearing once the document has been updated.  You may download the original 2007 - 2027 Comprehensive Plan and the 2007-2027 Comprehensive Plan Update from 2015.