Requirements for Commercial Boats

Commercial use

As the name implies, commercial boat use is considered any use of the lake in a manner that will generate direct or indirect revenue.  Note that rental homes are considered a commercial operation. Any boat utilized in conjunction with the rental must obtain a commercial boat license before being granted a commercial boat permit.

The following eight commercial classifications have been defined for Lake Lure :

  1. Rental livery (including boats accompanying rental property)
  2. Resorts
  3. Camps
  4. Ski schools
  5. Tour boats
  6. Fishing guides
  7. Service boats
  8. Realtors

Getting Your Commercial Boat License:

In order to control overcrowding and maintain safe boating conditions on the lake, the Marine Commission limits the number of commercial operations permitted each year. This is done to balance commercial boating activities with non-commercial boating activities.

All applications are reviewed, and a calculation is made that estimates the impact of each of the company's boats on the lake (by season and time of day). In granting licenses, priority will be given based on a number of factors, including lake impact, age and location of the business, and licenses from previous years.


  • Lake Lure requires that all commercial boating operations obtain and maintain commercial liability insurance with at least $1,000,000 in coverage for each boat permitted (motorized and non-motorized).
  • Service boats and realtors must obtain $300,000 in coverage. In addition, the Town of Lake Lure must be listed as co-insured on the policy. Proof of insurance (a current agency letter) must accompany the commercial license application.
  • Operator information required (each year):
    • Name
    • Date of Birth
    • Address
    • Course Certificate
  • Mooring Restrictions - Commercial operations must moor vessels at lake structures adjacent to lots zoned CG, GU, R3 or R4. Exceptions are allowed for:
    • Class 1 rental livery associated with rental homes
    • Class 7 service boats
    • Class 8 realtors.

Residency - It is the intent of the Marine Commission to limit lake commercial licenses to those business entities which are principally located in the corporate limits of the Town of Lake Lure. The Marine Commission reserves the right to cancel lake commercial licenses if it is later determined that the representation of residential status was incorrect. Non-resident real estate agents, fishing guides, contractors, and boat repair companies hired by residents of Lake Lure may apply to the marine commission for special permits. If approved, non-resident commercial licenses will be allocated one motorized boat permit. The boat permit fee will be adjusted to represent the non-resident annual fee plus the commercial surcharge as applied to the resident annual permit fee

Maximum Permits - Commercial operations will be subject to the following limits on the number of boats operated:


  <th class="rtecenter scope=" col"="">Commercial Classification Maximum per owner or business entity
Class 1 (Rental Livery) 4
Class 2 (Resorts) 3
Class 3 (Camps) 3
Class 4 (Ski schools) 2
Class 5 (Tour boats) 2
Class 6 (Fishing guides) 2
Class 7 (Service boats) 2
Class 8 ( Realtors) 3